You can equip the saddle on a tamed Quetzalcoatlus to ride it and build structures on it.
The player can place structures on top of the Quetz Platform Saddle and thus build mobile bases. Quetzal platform saddle code keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with Quetzal platform saddle ark id. I got 50+ armor mastercraft and journeyman bps or I can just give you a decent already made platform saddle. Maybe either of those don't tickle your fancy, then hey, make a 'Party Quetzal'! Strap on some chairs, tables, food and lots more onto the Quetzal's Platform Saddle and hover in the air as you dance to Darude Sandstorm being blasted through someone's mic in game chat.With all this experience i have seen everything that a single platform saddle can do. 3) When you found a quetzal, go an the back of the Tapejara (dont forget that you have to make the follow whisle on Tapejara, otherwise the will Flyer to the ground) Currently i have 3800 hours in ark about half and half with unofficial and official. Quetz are the end game once Currently i have 3800 hours in ark about half and half with unofficial and official.
This may take awhile and you may temporary lose the quetzal because of the low render distance.