If you set this to 0%, NoiseTorch will still dampen noise, but not deactivate your microphone if it doesn't detect voice. If you cut out during talking, slowly lower this strictness until you find a value that works for you. With a decent microphone, you can turn this to the maximum of 95%. Generally you want this up as high as possible.
The slider 'Voice Activation Threshold' under settings, allows you to choose how strict NoiseTorch should be in only allowing your microphone to send sounds when it detects voice. When you're done using it, simply click 'Unload NoiseTorch' to remove it again, until you need it next time. Output filtering works the same way, simply output the applications you want to filter to 'NoiseTorch Headphones'. Select the microphone you want to denoise, and click 'Load NoiseTorch', NoiseTorch will create a virtual microphone called 'NoiseTorch Microphone' that you can select in any application. Please see the Troubleshooting section in the wiki. Rm ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/noisetorch.png